TCM 10 Day Challenge Recap – Final Thoughts

The ten-day challenge is a wrap ladies! What a great way to start the year with a positive and strong body + mind.

To read up on the workout plan and meal plan we followed, click here. I also included a description of which supplements I lean on to get me through the workouts!

Final Thoughts – Healthy Food + Fitness = Life

I’m currently excited to be working on a post about a new service I discovered, but realized I haven’t shared an update on the ten day challenge we completed! So briefly, here a few of the takeaways from the ten days of working out + healthy eating:

  1. Working out ten days in a row made me feel stronger – both physically and mentally. Creating this habit can be hard, especially after taking a month off from going to the gym 3-4 times a week. But now that it’s over, I’m so ready to keep up my habit of working out and sweating it out! It really helps with my anxiety as well as self-image. Fat days are a real thing and they really blow. Working out is the biggest way to instantly feel better about myself and how my body is shaped. If you haven’t gotten back into the swing of things, not to worry. I’m going to share a post on the things I use to keep me motivated to workout! Stay tuned!
  2. Eating healthy is also challenging (dreaming of queso…) but with planning, it isn’t so bad. I meal prepped my breakfast and lunches so that whenever it was time to eat, I didn’t let my mind wander on what I should eat or what I could eat (AKA Chick-fil-a always sounds good). I also planned my dinners I would be cooking ahead of time to help remain focused. My metabolism is pretty fast so I feel like I’m always hungry, which is what gets me in trouble. I used the My Fitness Pal to count calories and macros. I’m still learning what macros even are (LOL) but it truly is crazy how quickly things add up! It was a good reminder to not have those extra snacks because 2-3 snack sesh’s turn into 500-600 extra, unnecessary calories.
  3. Not drinking is my biggest fault – I was unable to stick to the whole “don’t drink for ten days”. I had a birthday dinner, birthday brunch, double date night twice and board meeting. All 5 of these events included wine, which I only said no to at the brunch. I have a really hard time saying “no” in social situations. I almost always cave when my peers are enjoying a drink. When I’m at home or alone, I have control and I’m good. But this just shows me that I need to work on that part of myself in 2018!

Overall, I loved the challenge because I had several girlfriends and readers join in on the fun! We texted in a group message everyday different recipe and workout ideas. Accountability is the key to success for me and lots of other women. I can do anything I set my mind to, but I also need someone to hold me accountable. 🙂

After the challenge, I feel less heavy from the holidays, tighter all around, and plan to continue to count my calories and push it at the gym to shed a few more lbs from all my holiday indulging!

How do you stay fit? What’s your favorite thing to do to get back in shape after taking a little time off?!

Jump Start To A Stronger, Healthier YOU – TCM 10 Day Challenge

Setting unrealistic fitness goals is what I do best (am I the only one?!) I have come to the realization that setting a goal of working out 5-7 days a week every single week for the rest of the year is unreasonable. At least, for me it is.

Work, volunteering, blogging, side gigging, working out, singing + all while maintaining a social life is quite the plate full. #millennialproblems

However…what we can do is challenge ourselves for a (shorter) amount of time to help jump-start our year with healthier habits!

Starting this Sunday, I’m asking ALL girl bosses who are excited about the new year and who want to give their body a good kick in the rear to join me in The Candid Millennial 10 Day Challenge!

To kick things off, I have some links to share:
