DISC Results

I first learned about the DISC career personality test when I was researching different jobs in real estate. I initially took the test in March 2014 and have taken it twice since. Every time I took the DISC, I ended up with the same results. High “D” with “I” almost tying in second.

When I was working for a home builder in DFW, I had the most wonderful experience learning more about how the DISC can positively impact a team. Our entire corporate office took the test and attended a meeting where we learned more about what our results meant. The amazing thing about this test is you learn not only about yourself, but others you work with.

Working in teams or managing clients with several personality types can present challenges in your day to day tasks. This test helps define each personality type “to a T”. Having a better understanding of the people you work with leads to a much more productive relationship built on a foundation of respect and trust. The valuable insights and knowledge that comes from this test helped me work better with people and understand those who I may have had difficulty communicating with in the past.

I’m very open with my results because I believe not one result is better than the other. My results align with my career goals and personality. I would rather be open and honest with who I am in the beginning of a relationship because I believe it will lead to a longer and stronger future. What are your DISC results? Not sure, find out here! 



Mary DISC General Characteristics General Characteristics Cont'd Value to the Organization